Vintage4me2 by Judy Yates
1960s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 697 Uncut Floral Mixed Motifs
1960s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 698 Bright Uncut Floral Motifs for Any Project
1960s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 701 Uncut Deer & Butterfly Pillowcases
1960s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 702 Uncut Small Floral Pillowcase Motif
1960s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 703 Uncut Flower Cart Pillowcases ORIG
1960s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 712 Uncut Cross Stitch Pillowcase Motif
1960s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 713 Love Bird PIllowcase Motifs
1960s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 714 Uncut Cutwork Pillowcase Motifs
1960s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 715 His Hers Floral Pillowcases ORIG
1960s Vogart Darlin Kitty in a Shoe Transfer 706 Hot Iron Pillowcase Transfer
1960s VTG Vogart Embroidery Transfer 711 Uncut Deer and Flowers Vanity Scarf
Alice Brooks 5808: 1930s Uncut Flower Basket Bedspread Embroidery Transfer
Aunt Martha's Embroidery Transfer 9605: 1950s Uncut Quilt End Pillowcase Motifs
Ladies Home Journal 15089: 1920s Uncut Large Flower Basket & Border Motifs
McCall 6559: Slipper Wardrobe 7 Styles. Complete Hard to Find 3 sizes
Superior 133: 1940s Mr & Mrs Wedding Pillowcase Uncut Original Embroidery Transfer
Superior 149: 1940s Mr & Mrs Wedding Pillowcase Uncut Vintage Embroidery Transfera
Superior 154: 1940s Mr & Mrs Wedding Pillowcase Uncut Vintage Embroidery Transfer