Vintage4me2 by Judy Yates
1950s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 651 Sweet Uncut Layette Motifs
1930s Charming Baby Layette or Lingerie Transfer Uncut Original Transfer 1946
1940s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 111 Sweet Uncut Layette Motifs
1950s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 266 Uncut Mommy's Angel Baby Motifs
1950s Original Vintage Workbasket Emxbroidery Transfer 2969 Uncut Nursery Motifs
1950s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 102 Perky Pups Comic Kitties Uncut
1930s Betty Burton Hot Iron Embroidery Transfer 1944 Uncut Darlin Nursery Motifs
1940s Vintage Design Embroidery Transfer 894 Uncut Baby Record Framed Picture
1940s Workbasket Embroidery Transfer #93 Uncut Applique Zoo Crib Quilt & More
1940s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 145 Uncut On the Farm Motifs for Kids
1950s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 278 Uncut On the Farm Motifs for Kids
1940s VTG Vogart Embroidery Transfer 154 Uncut Applique Baby Animal Crib Quilt
1960s Vintage Aunt Martha's Embroidery Transfer 3275 Nursery Rhyme Quilt Squares
1940s Vintage Vogart Embroidery Transfer 114 Uncut Stuffed Animals and Pockets
1950s Ballerina Motifs Vogart Textilprint 549 Color Hot Iron Transfer Uncut ORIG
1910s Betty Burton Child's Nursery Motifs Uncut Vintage Embroidery Transfer 1520
1930s Betty Burton Embroidery Transfer 1513 Redwork Nursery Quilt Motifs Uncut
1930s Betty Burton Embroidery Transfer 1540 Redwork Nursery Quilt Motifs Uncut