Vintage4me2 by Judy Yates
1940s Laura Wheeler Embroidery Transfer 411 Lazy Daisy Floral Basket Cutwork
1940s Laura Wheeler Embroidery Transfer 462 Beautiful Mixed Flowers Uncut
1940s Laura Wheeler Embroidery Transfer 630 Uncut Large Floral Bedspread Motif
1940s Laura Wheeler Embroidery Transfer 748 Uncut Garden Scene Bedspread
1940s Laura Wheeler Embroidery Transfer 916 Uncut Crochet Pansy Pillowcases
1940s McCall Embroidery Transfer 1111 Uncut Morning Glory Applique Bedspread
1940s ORIG Vintage Mail Order Embroidery Transfer 2908 Uncut Sunbonnet Sue Quilt
1940s Original Uncut Workbasket Embroidery Transfer 63 Hobby Horse & More
1940s Stunning Uncut His and Hers Pcase Embroidery Transfer Aunt Marths's 9631
1940s Uncut Alice Brooks Embroidery Transfer 668 Filet Crochet Floral Pillowcase
1940s Uncut Alice Brooks Fancy His & Hers Pillowcase Embroidery Transfer 6834
1940s Uncut Alice Brooks Floral Bedspread Hot Iron Embroidery Transfer 5864
1940s Uncut Aunt Martha's Embroidery Transfer 9321 Uncut His & Hers Towel Motifs
1940s Uncut Aunt Marthas Embroidery Transfer 125 Classic Floral Pillowcases
1940s Uncut Aunt Marthas Embroidery Transfer 3111 Flowers and Bird Pillowcases
1940s Uncut Aunt Marthas Embroidery Transfer 3140 Pretty Garden Girl Pillowcases
1940s Uncut Aunt Marthas Embroidery Transfer 3293 Swans His Hers Pillowcases
1940s Uncut Aunt Marthas Embroidery Transfer 3312 Delicate Floral Pillowcases